Durante l’implementazione del progetto LIFE ZEOWINE, il partenariato è riuscito a pubblicare circa 35 articoli/abstract/pubblicazioni di poster scientifici, abstract su riviste o atti di convegni scientifici e disponibili per il download nelle tabelle sottostanti.


Gli articoli possono essere scaricati cliccando sul titolo della specifica pubblicazione


12 Articoli pubblicati su riviste tecniche o di settore e magazine online

1 Kick off meeting article on local newspaper
2 Zeoliti e agricoltura: fertilità dei suoli, salute e nutrizione della pianta – AgroNotizie – Fertilizzanti
3 Article published on -Tecnichenuove-ViteVinoqualita-VVQ N. 2 March 2019
4 Article published on Newsletter-Agricoltura-e-Agroalimentare-Marzo-2019 – Project presentation in the section “successful stories from EU” (Page 10)
5 LIFE & WINE – Online Article
6 Press-releases-Presentation-Vinitaly2019: collection of 12 press releases in occasion of the participation in networking activities with other LIFE Project at Vinitaly 2019
7 Life Vitisom GREEN PAPER – Project summary and presentation in final pubblication of LIFE Vitisom project
9 Article published on Technical magazine – L’INFORMATORE AGRARIO – N. 23/2021 – Uve più equilibrate con la zeolite contro lo stress idrico
10 Article Published on Millevigne – Issue n, 4 December 2021
11 N. 1 informative article on the Magazine “PLATINUM – aziende & protagonisti” which has a quarterly distribution and an on-line version – Issue: March 2022 –  “Due progetti europei “Life” all’insegna dell’economia circolare”
12 Article Published on Millevigne – Issue n, 2 June 2022


8 Articoli / abstract tecnico-scientifici

1 Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soil Erosion –  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – Pubblication of abstract “Theme 2: Policies and practices to address soil erosion”
2 Title: “Zeolite effects on soil organic carbon and structure against erosion in vineyards” pag 300-304
3 Scientific abstract pubblication at SUSGRO 2019, 24-28/06/2019
4 Proceedings of H2020 – CLIM4VITIS – Pubblication of abstract and presentation
5 Article: “Sustainable Viticulture: Effects of Soil Management in Vitis vinifera” – AGRONOMY
6 Article published on AGRONOMY “Application of Zeolites in Agriculture and Other Potential Uses: A Review
7 CONAVI  Web of Conferences 44, 02002 (2022) – Article “Zeowine: The synergy of zeolite and compost. Effects on the physiology of the vine and on the quality of the grapes”
8 ENOFORUM WEB CONTEST – Article pubblished and presented at Enoforum web contest – 23-25February 2021

4 Poster/Abstracts


1 Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity – GSOSB2020 Rome 13/03/2020 – Scientific Poster presentation
2 Scientific poster presentation at SUSGRO 2019, 24-28/06/2019
3 Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity – GSOSB2021 OnLine 22/04/2021 – Scientific Poster presentation
4 WILEY – Soil use and Management – “Impact of natural zeolite on chemical and biochemical properties of vineyard soils”

11 Articoli informativi minori, menzioni, notizie di progetto (online e/o cartacee)

1 Agricoltura: Italia in prima fila Ue per rigenerare terreni
2 Usare da dragaggio fiumi a scarti vigne, Ue finanzia 4 progetti
3 Article published on Newsletter—AdEPP – Professioni-in-Europa-N. 28-Settembre-2019 – Mention of LIFE ZEOWINE among projects funded by life Programme for the innovation of viticulture in EU
4 Online Article – BRIGHT – La Notte dei ricercatori – Online article about BRIGHT 2019 and ZEOWINE presence among the projects desplayed by CNR  IRET
5 Online Article – ANSA news
6 Online Article: Participation to talkshow at Vinitaly 2019
7 Viticoltura sostenibile: l’Università degli Studi di Milano ha ospitato il workshop dedicato alle frontiere della tecnologia a rateo variabile
9 Online Article – Ministry of Environment – ZEOWINE Project of the Month
10 LIFE-AgriSed Presentazione Risultati della prima annualità – Workshop 2020
11 2021-Zeowine_ the synergy of zeolite and compost. Effects on vine physiology and grape quality